
Creative strategies for marketing your company to candidates

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Creative strategies for marketing your company to candidates

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To help you best market your employer brand to candidates, we asked employer branding specialists and business leaders this question for their first-hand experiences. From posting white papers on Reddit to launching a podcast, there are several creative ways that you can follow to help boost your employer brand and gain the attention of top candidates.

Read on for more ideas to inspire your employer branding strategy.

What's one creative way you've promoted your employer brand to candidates?

1. Posted White Papers on Reddit To Attract Talent

One of the main motivators for software engineers is, of course, impact but also innovation. They want to specifically know what types of projects they will work on and what technology they will be working with. While employer brand manager at Continental, the global automotive technology company, I learned from our research that this audience also likes reading white papers on future topics and uses Reddit. We collaborated with the engineering team and our agency, to write a white paper on smart cities (connected cities of the future) which included quotes from the team who worked on the project. Since Reddit advertising was relatively new at the time, we saw over 2X the results compared to traditional social media.

Ally Brown, Brand Manager, Employer Brand and Recruiting at VCA Animal Hospitals

2. Shared Videos About Life of Colleagues

We want candidates to recognize a career in the insurance industry can be fun and impactful. The best way for us to communicate this has been through videos that highlight our colleagues' lives inside and outside of work. We launched a series of videos that show our colleagues' families and hobbies while also talking about their job and the company. They have been shared on our website, social media, and through direct communications to candidates. Our plan is to shoot more videos to continue to tell our colleagues' stories and the opportunities that exist in insurance.

Linda Konop, Employer Branding Specialist at Marsh McLennan Agency

3. Portrayed Brand With Storytelling

I find telling a compelling story includes the fundamental elements of who, what, when, where, why, and sometimes, how. Good stories are often dynamic and inspiring with relatable characters whose experiences and values resonate with readers. The same consideration should apply to employer brands. I find it vital for any employer brand strategy to identify your unique brand story by keeping talent at the center of the story and focusing on the value or experience you want them to have when engaging with your brand.

Identifying the key themes, values, perspectives, and most importantly, the character journey creates the necessary ingredients to tell a juicy and compelling story. While storytelling is becoming more of a sought-after competency by companies and their recruiters, it is equally imperative for companies to have a story worth telling for employer branding professionals to elevate the brand experience.

Brittany Wilson, Global Employer Brand Specialist II at Align

4. Launched a Podcast To Showcase Culture

What makes an organization's employer brand great? An ability to showcase the 'why' to candidates! In a previous role, I launched a culture-focused podcast series, where we allowed employees to share a topic that they felt most passionate about. From career advice, interview tips, DEI activities, and more, hearing first-hand from employees allowed candidates to really picture themselves as a part of the team. Not to mention, we were able to promote the podcast across our existing talent channels so that we got the biggest bang for our buck!

It was so much fun interviewing employees and having them share their experiences in their own words! Nothing is more powerful than an authentic storytelling opportunity!

Niamh O'Gorman, Employer Brand and Candidate Experience Manager at Panasonic North America

We work with a handful of clients doing social media and video to boost their employer brands. For one of our clients, our most effective use of both platforms so far was to do a video shoot of an employee talking about what they like about their job and what the job "bought" them in life. We then got videos of those things: new house, new car, being around a great team at work, having more free time to spend with the kids at home, etc. When we used this day-in-the-life video that went beyond work and showed the person's home life, it resonated with people.

While running this campaign we were able to roughly double our employee applications compared to the previous year. So although it's tough to do well -- the person has to be able to interview well and they have to let you in on parts of their home life -- the effort is well worth it because it tells the complete story of the person and how their work supports their life.

Justin Vajko, Principal & Chief Strategy Guy at Dialog

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6. Used Events as an Extension of Employer Branding

I always look for ways that we can show candidates who we are versus telling them. That said, events are one of my favorite ways to immerse candidates in our culture and give them a close look at what our employer brand is all about. In all honesty, my favorite events are the more casual ones like happy hour with the team, where we invite our employees to bring a few friends and extend invitations to candidates we have currently in process. We have also had a lot of excitement and success around hosting tech talks, where one of our executives will go deep on an interesting topic and we open things up for a casual reception afterward.

No matter the event, attendees come out with a behind-the-scenes look at who we are, what we stand for, and what it would be like to work at our company, and as a result a deeper relationship with us as well.

Selina Holder, US Head of HR at Pipefy

7. Tapped into Employees for Referrals

80% of BentoBox employees have a background in hospitality, and we are SO proud of that statistic. Due to the inherently connected nature of the industry, we regularly tap into our employee base to bring in referrals - it's our second-largest candidate driver after Linkedin applications! We leverage a tool called Bambu that allows for easy social sharing of open roles and industry articles, and everyone is always vying for the top spot on the leaderboard.

I would recommend drilling down to the one thing that makes your employee-base unique and finding ways to highlight and celebrate that both internally and externally. Give your employees every opportunity to shine, and they will be your best advocates for potential candidates.

Maddie Nehlen, Manager, Employer Branding and Engagement at BentoBox

8. Created a Landing Page

We created a landing page on our company website with information about our company culture and job openings. The landing page had a video that appealed to the Millennial generation. It included information about life at our company, including benefits and perks. The landing page had links to social media and a contact form. The form was an automated email response that thanked the candidate for reaching out and wished them the best of luck. It included a link to the video and asked them to contact us directly if they were interested in applying for a job. The result was a 15% increase in candidate reach. This is a great example of using creativity to sell or promote your employer's brand.

Adam Gaskill, Area Manager at CRC Industries

9. Lead With Authenticity

Take the time to build an authentic brand by taking visible, measurable action. Provide candidates with as many touchpoints as possible that gives behind-the-scenes looks to bring talent “into” the office (virtually and physically) before they apply. Show off your locations, teams, events, production process, perks, or any other behind the curtain to give potential talent a real sense of what it’s like to work at your company. Be confident to share the good and bad about your organization. Candidates will appreciate you for it.

Robin Dagostino, Global Recruiting Marketing & Branding Director at BCG

10. Organized Events To Engage Candidates

As TA Professionals, we have so much information candidates need to know to make empowered decisions about their careers. Things like how to get a foot in the door, ace an interview, or how the business works. In the current ultra-competitive market, giving candidates a clear understanding of the business and their role is essential, so we launched these two social campaigns to make our knowledge more accessible.

The first is "RecruiTEA," a multi-episode series where our TA team "spills the tea" on their best tips for candidates. The second was "Random Acts of Career Kindness Day," our take on the popular # holiday where we had live dialogue with candidates to answer their questions about our company.

It's our job to attract the top-tier talent that will shape our company's future. Keeping transparency at the root of culture and infusing that in everything is how to build a strong employer brand.

Samantha Kahn, Employer Branding Specialist at Warner Bros. Discovery

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