
How to recruit Gen Z and young Millennial job candidates

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How to recruit Gen Z and young Millennial job candidates

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How to recruit and hire Gen Z and young Millenial job candidates
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Following pandemics, recessions, and the great resignation, recruiting top talent from the Millennial and Gen Z generations requires a nuanced approach.

These younger candidates have different expectations and preferences when it comes to the job search process. Importantly, they also make up a significant portion of the job market.

According to the most recent census data, Millennials are the largest demographic in today’s full-time workforce, with 49.5 million workers. Gen Z is growing rapidly, with 17.1 million workers, and is poised to overtake Baby Boomers this year.

Let's explore practical strategies and advice for recruiting Millennials and Gen Z candidates in the spirit of helping you find, attract, and retain the best young talent for your organization.

Understanding Gen Z and young Millennial professionals

1. Understanding Millennial and Gen Z job seekers

In today's job market, recruiters need to understand the values and priorities of Millennials and Gen Z candidates.

According to Deloitte's Global Gen Z and Millennial survey, nearly half of Gen Zs and the majority of Millennials say their job is central to their identity. Still, they're unwilling to sacrifice their well-being and seek new ways to maintain work-life balance.

For Millennials, a healthy work-life balance, opportunities for career growth, and a sense of purpose in their job are crucial factors. On the other hand, Gen Z candidates tend to prioritize job stability, flexibility, and a diverse and inclusive work environment.

As an employer, understanding these preferences can help you develop effective recruitment strategies to attract and retain top talent from these demographics.

Actionable Tip: Conduct surveys or focus groups with current Millennial and Gen Z employees to gain insights into what attracts them to your organization and keeps them engaged.

Utilizing Social Media and Digital Platforms for Gen Z and young Millenial professionals

2. Utilizing social media and digital platforms

When recruiting younger talent, it's essential to understand the habits and preferences of different generations. Millennials and Gen Z candidates, in particular, are digital natives who are highly active on social media and other digital platforms.

A recent Morning Consult survey found that 54% of Gen Z respondents spend four or more hours per day on social media. Pew research echoes this for Millenials, finding that 75% of Millennials consider social media an essential part of their daily life, with 71% of them checking social media sites multiple times daily.

Engaging with potential candidates on the platforms they frequent like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube is essential to build relationships and showcase your brand. By being active on these channels and creating and cultivating an approachable talent brand, you can establish a strong online presence and attract the attention of high-quality candidates.

Actionable Tip: Create engaging and informative content on social media that highlights your company culture, employee testimonials, and career development opportunities to attract Millennials and Gen Z candidates.

Offering Flexible Work Arrangements for Gen Z and young Millenial professionals

3. Offering flexible work arrangements

Following the shift to hybrid and remote work environments caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, flexibility is now highly valued by the younger generation of candidates. The ability to work remotely or to have flexible work hours can significantly influence their decision to choose a job.

According to a recent McKinsey article on Gen Z in the workforce, 77% of Gen Z respondents consider work-life balance crucial when considering job opportunities. Similarly, a 2022 LinkedIn survey found that 72% of Gen Z and 69% of Millennial respondents have either left or considered leaving a job because their employer did not offer a feasible flexible work policy.

To attract these candidates, it is highly recommended that flexible work arrangements be included in your recruitment strategy. Highlighting your company's flexible work policies can further enhance your organization's appeal to these job seekers and increase your chances of attracting top talent from this demographic.

Actionable Tip: Clearly communicate your company's flexible work policies in job postings and during the interview process to attract candidates who prioritize flexibility. This could also be an ideal time to rethink and refresh your benefit offerings to better align. For instance Gen Z and Millennial professionals care more about health and wellness initiatives, flexible arrangements, volunteer days, and charity matching than other demographics historically have.

Emphasizing Career Development Opportunities for Gen Z and young Millenial professionals

4. Emphasizing career development opportunities

In today's job market, Millennials and Gen Z candidates actively seek opportunities to learn and advance in their careers. Young talent needs to see the potential for themselves to grow both within an organization and personally. As an employer, showcasing your company's commitment to fostering this kind of growth is crucial.

Need convincing? According to another LinkedIn survey, 75% of Gen Z respondents have considered a role change due to the quality or relevance of a learning and development program offered elsewhere, and 54% said they had already left a job because the training and development didn't meet their expectations.

To attract top talent from these generations, consider offering mentorship programs, organizing training workshops, and creating clear paths for advancement within your organization.

By highlighting your commitment to career development, you can demonstrate to Millennials and Gen Z candidates that your company is invested in their success and eager to support their ongoing growth.

Actionable Tip: Develop a clear career path for employees and provide regular feedback and coaching to help Millennials and Gen Z candidates achieve their career goals.

Prioritizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Gen Z and young Millenial professionals

5. Prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion

Millennials and Gen Z candidates place great importance on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace and view them not as buzzwords, but as essentials that define an organization's culture and values.

A study by Handshake highlights that half of Gen Z workers would consider quitting their job if they perceived a lack of equity. Additionally, according to a RippleMatch study, 75% of Gen Z consider a company's commitment to diversity and inclusion when deciding whether or not to apply for a job opportunity.

To attract and gain respect from these candidates, prioritize and highlight DEI in your recruitment efforts. Showcase your commitment to DEI through your company's policies, practices, and culture.

Actionable Tip: Develop partnerships with organizations and networks that focus on DEI to expand your candidate pool and demonstrate your commitment to creating an inclusive work environment. Be transparent about your DEI initiatives and your shared belief that workforce diversity is essential for innovation and growth.

In closing

Recruiting Millennials and Gen Z candidates requires a tailored approach considering their unique values and preferences. By understanding what motivates these candidates and using the right recruitment strategies, you can attract top talent from these generations and ensure the long-term success of your organization.

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